Monday, August 24, 2015

Top 5 Healthy Foods For Pregnancy

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During pregnancy , healthy food becomes one of the priorities for the mother's health and the baby as well. while there is a lot of food types to avoid we will go through :

the top 5 healthy foods for pregnancy

#1 Cheese : 

 Cheese before was used to be considered as a bad nutrition for pregnant women but the FDA lately has announced that they're not only allowed to eat it(cheese made with pasteurized milk).,  now they are advised to ! due to the serious amount of goods in it.

#2 EGGS : 

for just about 90 calories per egg , its amazing what you get from one . from the 12 vitamins and minerals to the proteins and the choline which will help the brain growth of the baby and

#3 Salmon
Huge amount of proteins for a low price and a great source for omega3-fats which are excellent for your baby's growth and unlike other types of fish salmon has a very low amount of methyl-mercury compared to them

#4 Lean meats
Meat is the perfect source for high-quality meat , if cooked right the amount of cholesterol will be contained and obtained without any serious weight gain so the lean-meat is a must eat food for pregnant women

#5 Colorful fruits and Vegetables :
they provide the perfect balanced variety of nutrients for the baby whether it is vitamins of minerals. "So if you expose your baby to a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables in the womb, you'll increase the chance that your baby will recognize and accept those flavors later on." said Jodi Greebel, owner of Citrition, a nutrition counseling service in New York.
so A1 for the fruits and veggies0

to sum the whole thing up , a pregnant woman should focus non getting the full amount of proteins and a variety of vitamins and minerals and should worry less on the amount of calories as if you eat healthy the extra weight can be lost withing couple of weeks of practicing after the birth.

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