Sunday, August 23, 2015

5 Reasons why you are not losing weight

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Losing weight is one of the most desired  goals yet the hardest for lots and lots of people out there , and despite the fact that there are lots of ways to lose weight , there are few common reasons why you are not ! and before i go through them you need to know that I'm pretty strict when it comes to explaining health matters and that's how anyone should be to get a result .
So Here Are :

5 Reasons why you are not losing weight :

#5 Your Mental State :

Nowadays , there is no problem in finding the weight loss formulas and diets and there own "success stories" as they are spreading all over the web and you can get lots and lots of them for free , but the tricky part lies in sticking to one of them and that is because of your mindset and that inspiration that pushes you to start on exercising and dieting .
which makes your weight loss directly related to your mind state which you really need to pay attention to if you're really determined on losing weight

#4 Diet traps : 

there are a lot of common diet traps that you can fall into without knowing , such as "ghrelin balance" which can trick your metabolism into thinking that it  needs to slow down , so you might wanna focus on eating a well balanced meals all the time .of course there are other traps that can affect your weight loss process but the trick is all about eating balanced meals .

#3 your glossary budget:

well its pretty simple , you go to the market with a big amount of cash you will leave with a big amount of non-healthy food in top of your "diet food" . this is more of a psychological part as you can't resist the temptation of buying food , specially in the very first weeks of your diet . so a person has to pay attention to his pocket before hitting the market.

#2 Genetics : 

well this common problem is the hardest to deal with since you can't do much about it and u can only go around it by training even harder and going with even more strict diet . to Define that you have a genetic problem in your metabolism make sure you consult a doctor first before you turn it into an excuse for not practicing !

#1 Cheating :

yes that's the number one reason and it can be in many different ways but it will all result the same consequence ,  if you can't stick to your program and strategies you wont lose the amount of weight you you're looking for. A person  needs a strong will and determination to go through this process and he can only  find it on his own , so if you are cheating your diet , STOP IT !

 if you're reading this , i would like to apologize for the way i express my ideas but i'm really honest about them . in addition , i would be very thankfull if you guyz share this post .

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